Friday, October 2, 2015

Personal thoughts

               Hey you guys! Did you miss us? Well, we did miss you but we weren’t able to share new stuff with you unfortunatly..BUT! Here we are now! Fresh and ready for new things (Yeaaaah)! And this time we won’t share only photos of us with you but personal thoughts as well. Oooh lucky you! So,here’s our first article!!Hope you’ll like it! 

                As a book lover, I (Helena) thought something while I was reading a book that a got from the public library. When I get a book from there I like to go to the end of the book,at the very last page and see when other people had to retern it. It’s kinda strange how many people thought that this book may be nice and had read it. And that actually made me think that we don’t actually differ from the books.  By that I don’t mean that we get dusty  and that we live on selves,no. I mean that we leave so many people read us. Read our soul,our story. We contein them in our own chapters and we allow to them to treat us in a bad way and leave us with wrapped pages that we try to fix with tape. They spot a page in our life and if they want to move on they “unspot” it and do that again at the next chapter. Right when you thought you had closed that chapter here they are again!
Although we don’t have only commons with the books but diffrences also. For example, we can controll which people will continue to read us. We have the power to stop them  from wrap us and it’s never too late for that! They’re gonna leave their scar on us,a scar that we’ll probably try to erase with blanco but with no possitive results. We will carry them for a long time until they’re really gone. Some of them may never go but they’ll remind us our choices and make us avoid doing the same mistakes again.
  Well, I’m only eighteen but I have left already too many people read me. Feel me. Leave me with destroyed pages I had to fix.  Friends, boyfriends, classmates. It hurted and it hurted a lot. And it took time to decide to close those chapters and move on to the next ones. But this is how life works. Letting us getting full of dispointing facts and then somehow through all that misery chear us up with something good. The only thing we have to do is take control of our own life and write our own pages without any other to tell us how to do that! After all, we only live once.. ;)
                See you soon!
The happy macaron! 

P.S. Stay tuned..New photoshoot is on the corner